

Weddings are so. much. fun.  It’s seriously the perfect day…pampering, friends, food, dancing AND true love!

There’s a song that frequently floats through my brain on wedding days, it’s one that you might hear me singing at your wedding, “Now I’ve, had, the time of myyyy life…”  It’s true, you will be having the time of your life with the love of your life, and I am all about documenting that for you.  From the last spritz of hair spray to the moment y’all have your final kiss at that amaze venue, I’ll be there (and there’s another song that’s getting stuck in your mind today, you’re welcome).

Shoot me an email so you can get to know me and see if we’re a good fit.

Wedding Day Highlights

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SOX12693a-jIMG_3186walkitoutwoohooSOX17074IMG_0832atul - jess momIMG_9771KB2-1SOX13377IMG_0752joe and the gangFUNSOX10584SOX12416SOX14650Atul -Jess danceSOX12317SOX17735SOX16311AditiSOX17635alexandra and randy sunsetSOX10381IMG_8766 june 2019SOX10522